If a home’s foundation is compromised this can be incredibly frustrating and overwhelming for home owners. What is the problem? How can you fix it? CAN you fix it? The mental gymnastics can be exhausting.

We want you to feel empowered to prevent your foundation from settling and save money on expensive fixes down the road. Here are the three main changes in soil that can cause foundation settlement and tips for how to prevent it:

1. Weak Soil

There are certain types of soil that are simply not capable when it comes to supporting the weight of the foundation of your home. Some soils underneath our homes are not always capable of supporting the weight and pressure that we apply on them. As a result, your foundation’s footings can press down or sink into softer soils which can lead to exterior foundation wall cracks, chimney separation, drywall cracks and more.

The Fix:

A push pier system will be able to mechanically transfer the weight of your home more stable soils. SafeBasements™ Push Piers can be hydraulically pushed into the ground to predetermined depths where deep, suitable soils are found.


2. Moisture Changes

As the weather changes from day to day, the soil surrounding your home can experience extremes from periods of droughts and periods of flooding. How do you know if the soil underneath your home is reacting? Often intense dry periods can cause soil to shrink which creates an empty space for your home to settle into. When the soil around our home has absorbed considerable amounts of moisture from a heavy rainfall, you can expect weakened soil that can cause your home to shift or sink.

The Fix:

You will want to maintain your soils moisture during dry periods to maintaining a constant moisture content in the soil around the foundation. This should prevent a gap from opening between the soil and foundation edge. Also, tree roots can consume more water from the soil than can be replaced with watering which can limit the consumption of water from the soil below the foundation and may prevent settlement and cracks in the structure. When a tree grows too close to your home, it is advisable to remove the tree. Another solution is to properly grade the soil. if the slope of the ground around your home is going inward, water will flow toward your house and can pool which can contribute to excess moisture in the soil under your foundation. In order to evaluate the grade, it’s best to get a professional opinion from a basement waterproofing company.

3. Poor Compaction

New housing developments require the process of soil placement. In order create flat and buildable lots, fill soil is used from hilltops and various other local geography. If this soil is not properly compacted, the soil will begin to compress under the weight of the new home which results in structural settlement.

The Fix:

The most popular way to repair your home is with steel piles that are driven deep into the ground until they hit stable soil. These are used to lift the foundation back into place and provide long-lasting support. If you suspect foundation failure, don’t wait to call a professional. The damage typically gets worse with time.

Allow BDB Waterproofing to help you with solutions from preventing your foundation from settling. Contact BDB to discuss your options!

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Christi Leupold