Wall Anchors: The Key to Fixing Bowed Basement Walls Once and For All

There’s no denying that we’ve had quite a bit of rain this spring season. That rain can wreak havoc on your home, especially your foundation. If you have a basement, the rain can cause some damage to your basement walls. If you’ve noticed the walls in your basement are curving inward or leaning, you might […]
5 Signs you Need to Repair Bowed Basement Walls

5 Signs you Need to Repair Bowed Basement Walls The foundation of your home depends on the structural integrity of your basement walls. By ensuring your basements walls are structurally sounds is crucial for the stability and safety of your home. Unfortunately, bowed basement walls are a common problem that many homeowners may encounter, and […]
What is the Best Way to Repair a Bowing Wall?

Homeownership can be challenging and stressful – especially when it comes to basement repairs. If you have noticed that your basement walls are bowing or cracking, do not delay in seeking a solution – no matter how overwhelming it might feel in the moment. Bowed walls are a symptom of a potential bigger problem that […]
4 Steps to Repairing a Basement Block Wall

Concrete block used for foundations can develop unique problems. They are strong when used to carry vertical loads. But, they begin to fail when there is too much horizontal pressure against the foundation. This results in mortar joints cracking and walls that bow inward. Here are 4 steps to repairing a basement block wall: 1. Get […]