Spring is on the horizon, and we want to wave the winter season goodbye! But, with a new season comes new challenges for protecting your foundation. Today we are sharing tips on how to keep your foundation strong and able to withstand weather and avoid water damage.

Clean the Gutters (And Downspouts!)

The winter can really be hard on your gutters and downspouts. Over the winter, they collect leaves and other outdoor debris, potentially clogging your gutters. If your gutters are clogged, water cannot safely drain away from your home. That leads to water pooling at the foundation, risking basement water problems. To avoid this potential foundation buster, we suggest:

Check Your Foundation For Cracks

Cracks in your foundation can be another sign of problems. Spring is a great time to inspect your foundation (along with interior walls) – to try and see if you can find cracks that need repairing in order to avoid water going through the walls. Some cracks can be simple – other cracks can be a sign of a larger problem with your foundation  – check out the blog we wrote on foundation cracks here to see if your spot any similarities between your home’s foundation and the types of foundation cracks we point out.

Inspect the Grading

Sometimes water issues might not begin with your foundation problems – but actually start right in your yard. We suggest checking out your grading and sloping of your home’s property. Is it sloping toward your home or away from it? Do you see any water pooling at your foundation?

Have you done any work in your yard recently that would alter the grading of your home’s property? A good example of this would be a new patio addition or installing a swimming pool. Some contractors do not think about drainage solutions when building – which in the end will cause you time, money and resources if it causes major damage to your home’s foundation.

Talk to BDB Waterproofing

If you think you have damage from one of the above reasons, it’s time to talk to professional foundation repair and waterproofing experts. We inspect your property to make sure your foundation is strong.

Pro Tip: This may seem obvious, but we want to reiterate this to you. If you see ANY damage – the sooner you contact us, the better – don’t wait until it could be a much more serious and costly issue.

Contact Us Today

Click here to contact BDB Waterproofing and set up an appointment. Our foundation repair contractors offer free estimates and consultations and can work out a time for your foundation repair needs that best fits your schedule.

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Sryde Developers