6 Causes of Basement Moisture

A road that shows a couple of homes. Spring is in the air as it includes cherry blossom trees creating shadows on the road.

Since basements are known for being a dark and damp place, basement moisture is a common problem that we see. Even though moisture in your basement is common, it can still be a bad sign which can turn into a major issue if left untreated. Today we discuss common causes of basement moisture, and how […]

Protect Your Foundation This Spring with These Easy Tips

The side of a home that received foundation repair treatment from BDB Waterproofing. The exterior of the home includes rock and brick siding.

Spring is on the horizon, and we want to wave the winter season goodbye! But, with a new season comes new challenges for protecting your foundation. Today we are sharing tips on how to keep your foundation strong and able to withstand weather and avoid water damage. Clean the Gutters (And Downspouts!) The winter can […]

Why Winter Might be Hard on Your Foundation

A home in the winter with a porch. Winter is proving to be tough on the foundation for this house.

Your foundation is tough – but did you know the winter season is a worthy opponent? With fluctuating temperatures, ice, and hydrostatic pressure – it might just damage your foundation’s seemingly impermeable structure. Our foundation repair experts discuss 4 ways winter can be tough on your home’s foundation. 1.    Your foundation goes through a freeze thaw […]

Your Sump Pump Winter Maintenance Checklist

Sump Pump Maintenance | BDB Waterproofing

A sump pump is your home’s line of defense against rain, melting snow, etc. It’s important that you are performing regular maintenance on your sump pump to ensure that it is working properly – especially before you have water trying to get into your basement! The team at BDB Waterproofing has provided a full list […]