6 Ways To Know It is Time to Replace Your Sump Pump

During heavy rains, it is important to have a sump pump that works. Functioning properly, it should collect excess water from your home’s drains and direct it away from your home. A high-quality sump pump should last you, according to the US Department of Housing and Development, about 10 years. However, a sump pump (usually) […]
Best Time of Year for Foundation Repairs

If you’re trying to decide when to do foundation repairs for your home, you have come to the right place. BDB Waterproofing is a full-service residential and commercial waterproofing and foundation company in Omaha, Nebraska, serving our area with integrity since 1999. We certainly know how to help! So, whether you know your house needs foundation […]
Paint Cracks: Simply Cosmetic or Serious Foundation Issues?

Do you have some cracked paint in your home that you’ve brushed off because “it’s probably just cosmetic?” Or maybe you even brushed OVER with new paint like it never happened in the first place? We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but cracks in your paint could point to a much more […]
Preparing for a Basement Renovation

Finishing your basement is a flawless way to increase your home’s value while also giving you and your family additional living space. When planning a basement renovation, most people tend to picture the final product, but it’s important to also think about the steps it takes to get there. To prepare for some extensive changes […]